

Passionerad ord-skapare!

Jag skrev min första bok när jag var 10 år, på en skrivmaskin jag fått av min mamma. Sedan dess har jag varit fascinerad av att skapa berättelser, dikter, sånger m.m., som ska fånga läsaren. Ett tydligt klarspråk är avgörande för om ett budskap går fram eller inte. Ett bra språk ökar trovärdighet och bidrar till bättre förståelse av texten.

Jag erbjuder professionella och klarspråksgranskade texter!

Jag har sedan min första bok skapat många artiklar, sagor, noveller, rapporter, böcker och ja, en avhandling. Jag har en mycket bred plattform i min expertis, men slutresultatet är professionellt och noggrant. Jag erbjuder:

Skribentuppdrag; t.ex. rapporter, utbildningsmaterial, sammanfattningar (från svenska eller engelska till svenska), artiklar, informationsmaterial m.m.

Språkgranskning: t.ex. redigering, korrekturläsning, generell språkförbättring m.m. i era befintliga texter. Jag kan även 

Redaktörskap: t.ex. webbplats, nyhetsbrev, tidskrift eller dylikt.

Skrivcoaching: för dig som fastnat i ditt skrivande eller vill bli bättre.


Författare, fil dr sociologi, bokförläggare, översättare. Eget företag Visionary Life. Sveriges Makalösa Föräldrar. Linköpings universitet. Läs här. 

Generalsekreterare. Sveriges Makalösa Föräldrar 2010 - 2014, ca 80 st debattartiklar m.m. Läs här.

Maila mig om dina behov och önskemål, så kommer jag att återkomma med förslag på vad jag kan hjälpa dig med.

Publisher Company Visionary Life and Author / Editor / Translator Sophia Lovgren, Ph D

The following books has been published in the publisher company or are written by Sophia Lovgren.

Spiritual Social activism

Change the World from Inside and Out with Spiritual Principles

by Sophia Lovgren

(2018, Balboa Publisher)

In English

ISBN: 978-1-5043-9719-3

(soft cover)

ISBN: 978-1-5043-9721-6

(hard cover)

ISBN: 978-1-5043-9720-9




Goddess and Holistic Life: Your Inner Leadership and Your Holistic Perspective in the Millenium of the Goddess

Gudinnan och Helheten: Ditt Inre Ledarskap och Din Holistiska Livssyn inför Gudinnans Millenium

by Sophia Lovgren

In Swedish 

(2006, edited version 2017, Visionary Life)

ISBN: 9789163961427



The Secret of the Light Carrier

Ljusbärarens hemlighet

by Sophia Lovgren

In Swedish

(2004, edited version 2017, Visionary Life)

ISBN: 9789197616812



To buy your freedom

Economical violence and other structural techniques to conquer

Att köpa sin frihet: Om ekonomiskt våld och andra strukturellt sanktionerade härskartekniker

by Sophia Lovgren

In Swedish

(2014, Sveriges Makalösa Föräldrar)

ISBN: 978-91-981790-0-2

Sold out

The Will to Govern

Individuals, Society and the Regulation Practices of Welfare

Viljan att styra: Individ, samhälle och välfärdens styrningspraktiker

ed Sophia Lovgren

In Swedish

(2007, Studentlitteratur)

ISBN: 978-91-44-04423-1

Sold out

SPIRITUAL SOCIAL ACTIVISM is both about an inner and outer process; it is both about spiritualism and about activism..

It is not about religion. It is about an activism that comes from your heart, not only your head. It is an activism that is emphatic, positive, kind and transformational.

To be a spiritual social activist is a matter of taking your responsibility in creating a change for the better, with a sense of positiviy, compassion, love and a balance between independence and focus.

Few things is more joyful than being the change we want to see in the world. We have to strengthen spiritual wisdom with radical action. With our passion for spirituality, we will have passion for justice and truth. Genuine joy comes from being in service to others, for the common good. 

GODDESS AND HOLISTIC LIFE is a political message to recreat a balance between masculine and feminine energies, from the perspective of spiritual feminism or feministic spirituality. 

The book introduces with a theoretic story in part I, which focuses the ancient goddess religion and a spiritually inspired description of modern society of today. 

In part II a holistic life with selff consciousness, self expression and inner leadership are focused. The book focuses on scientific perspective on society and spiritual guidance about empowerment and creative and intuitive creation.

The book is in Swedish. 

Norea wakes up after an accident and realizes she has lost memory of what happened before the accident. Her family tells her sha has written a book about "the new time" and she is sure they are joking with her. She knows she is a serious scientist, so why would she write something like that?

Nobody knows where the book is, because apparently Norea hid it before the accident. Slowly she starts to realize it is something important she has written, since people she doesn't know seems very eager to get hold of the book. And these people doesn't seem to hesitate to hurt people, including herself, to find the book. All of sudden it becomes urgent for her to find the book, before anybody else does. 

TO BUY YOUR FREEDOM focuses on a phenomenon that has been made invisible - economical violence. Economical violence is when a ex partner destroys for his childrens mother in various ways, supported by the ignorance from authorities and existinf guidelines, routines and legislation.

The author (former Secretary General for the NGO Single Parents in Sweden) interviews ten women, that describes the violence they have experienced and that has been amplified by meetings with authorities.

The book also focuses on solutions and strategies that can minimize the economical violence and in the end help the children affected by this.

A basic question for sociology concerns the rleation of discipline between the individual and the society she lives in. How is human beings formed to functional members of society? In this book the thoughts of Foucault concerning governmentality are introduced and are used in  Swedish context. 

Läsaren får ta den av en rad studier av styrningsprocesser i den moderna välfärdsstaten, från dess finrum och önskvärda praktiker till dess bakgård av missanpassade och bokstavsbarn. Grundläggande samhällsteoretiska frågor om makt, kunskap och ordning begripliggörs med konkreta exempel från vårt eget samhälle.